How to turn on Hotspot on Wi-Fi connected phone.
This is a solution to creating a Wi-Fi hotspot from a phone.
Many phones cannot simultaneously open both Wi-Fi and hotspot. Though some phones can, it should be a feature in every phone.
Anyway, you can still do that by using a repeater.
What is a repeater? You ask.
What you need.
-Http Injector App
-Phone connected to Wi-Fi.
-Another phone or device to connect to internet.
Http Inject is a powerful app made by Evozi. It is a VPN app but it other very important tools that can help you. Open the app and
access the tools and see the variety of tools available.
For now we want to use the Tethering tools.
Tethering tools is the third options from the list of tools available.
step1: Click the tethering tools list, you will see a pop-up list of choices.
step2. Select the first option(Hotshare) You will see 3 blue nice buttons
step3.Click Start Repeater.
-A Wi-Fi hotspot will be generated with an SSID reading “Direct-Evozi-Hotshare”
-Password is provide down there:
step4. Now click Hotshare
-At the top of the screen
step5. Open your laptop and go to proxy settings and set the settings as follows:
Turn on Proxy Server
Address: Enter Ip Address provided at the top of the screen.
PORT: 44355 or the one you are provided with
step6: Now connect you Compter to the internet using the SSID and password we had generated above.